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What is ICE?
ICE stands for “In Case of Emergency”, and describes a system whereby Medical Professionals can find next of kin details quickly in an emergency situation.
What is an ICE Card?
ICE Cards contain the contact details of the people you wish to be contacted in an emergency. They also contain all the important information about your health and medical requirements. Medical professionals are trained to look for an ICE card in any situation where this information is needed.
Our ICE Communication Card
The Widgit ICE Card is credit card sized, and easily folds out to a larger sheet. One side contains your ICE information, with each section illustrated by a symbol. On the reverse is a symbol communication sheet.
The communication sheet provides easy access to a pain scale and core responses that may be used at any time. For example, the responses ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.
Who is it for?
It is recommended that everyone carries an ICE card: they save time and save lives in medical emergencies.
The symbol communication sheet gives a quick visual tool that can be used by anyone to clarify understanding.
Everyone needs an ICE Communication Card, because you should be prepared for any emergency situation and it might save your life.
There are 2.1 million people in Great Britain registered with a Communication Disability and 1.9 million people registered with a Memory/Concentration/Learning Disability.
Office for Disability Issues, HM Government
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